You're one step away from becoming your most confident and aligned self.

Inner Space Coaching is no ordinary coaching program.
Not one size fits all, but tailored uniquely to YOU. 

Because you are one IN a million, not one OF a million. 

Inner Space acknowledges that you have your own inner space and it should be treated in a unique way. No two people are the same, so why should you do the same program as the next person? 

You are unique, your challenges are unique to you, you have your unique dreams, goals, aspirations. As well as your own unique inner turmoil, beliefs that hold you back. 
Inner Space offers you the space to choose your own healing journey.

You can ask other people all you want on how they think you should heal, but in the end YOU are the expert on YOU.
Not me, not your family, not the coaches who tell you that by buying into their 3 ways to breathwork you will fix your whole life. 

Why do I know this? Because I’ve been there. I was this lost person, who was absolutely overwhelmed with her emotions, her situation, the path her life was going or rather not going. I suffered from anxiety, imposter syndrome, overwhelm and depressive episodes. Hey, I still do at times, but you know what? I am a work in progress. We all are. We won’t ever be “done” with our healing. And neither should we!

Healing is messy, but equally as beautiful. I took it into my own hands, stopped blaming everyone else for my situation and started to really get to know myself. 

And in doing so I discovered my gift: leading others in their own healing journey and providing the space, support and freedom to do so. In a non-pretentious way. Where you are not just a number, a revenue, but where the focus is on YOU. As an individual. The unique and brilliant person you are - even if you cannot see that, yet!

I help you figure out what healing feels natural to you. And there are a million ways that could work for you. Together we discover and pick the ones that feel delicious to YOU, that feel like you can accomplish anything.

I cater to what you need at that moment. Not by playing back a script and sticking to a set program, but by truly listening to the small things you say between the lines. The doubts, the inner judgment, the overthinking, the playing small. But also the celebrations, the breakthroughs, the AHA moments.

In this process I help you build a strong inner knowing, by equipping you with the tools I have cultivated throughout my coaching journey and insights I have gained by working with my clients.

We celebrate your wins, we reflect on your challenges. With one goal: to get you to that version of yourself you desire to be and to the life you want to live. 

It’s all possible, and you deserve the space to explore all there is to your own healing. And everything that becomes possible because of it.

I want you to be proud of who you are.
I want you to scream it out into the world. No more playing small or dimming your light. You deserve everything that comes to you, you deserve to be celebrated and feel incredibly good in your inner space.

Are you ready to trust yourself fully, be fully supported with love, empathy and a whole lot of hyping up? 

Are YOU ready to be one IN a million?

Let’s figure it out together!

you are
           one in a million

self-discovery & mindset coaching

not one of
          a million

When I met Elena, I was so lost, and thought how is a single person supposed to help me with this. Looking back, I'm so shocked at what Elena unleashed in my life. Is that woman magic?! Of course she always tells me that it is my strength and that I am responsible for the leaps that have happened in my life. That I have a lot more self-confidence, that I'm just doing so much better and I know where I want to go. But she managed to push me in exactly the right places, to always be there for me and to give me the space for thoughts that I didn't dare to express before.

At the beginning I had little self-confidence and I lacked clarity about where I actually wanted to go because I was afraid of making the wrong decision. Through the coaching I know exactly who I want to be and how to get there. Above all through an incredible number of effective techniques that Elena gave me on the way, which I can still use my whole life to tame vortex thoughts and to calm down. I would do the coaching again and again and every cent and every minute was more than worth it.

Looking back, I'm so shocked at what Elena unleashed in my life. Is that woman magic?! 

Maike (1:1 Coaching, 6 months)

She has a gift of making you feel like everything is going to be okay and hands you the tools to heal and (re)discover your sense of self empowerment. Working with Elena is one of the most beautiful gifts you could give to yourself and 100% worth the investment. Thank you Elena, for sharing your gifts with this world - and for making mine a little better, one step at a time.

From the first session on Elena made me feel seen, held and loved for all my different layers. 

Caro (1:1 Coaching, 6 months)

Elena is helping me overcome my limiting beliefs and approach stressful and uncomfortable situations with a more positive and open outlook. I now feel more equipped to deal with the challenges I’m faced with, and I’m learning to establish and create boundaries that help me stay in alignment in different social relationships.

I was feeling lost and confused, often shying away from social interactions out of fear of being judged by others. 

Melina (1:1 Coaching, 6 months)

You feel heard, seen and supported. She lives and loves what she does.
Thank you for the wonderful coaching with you!!!
Highly recommended!

Elena is such a warm, sensitive, loving present person. She has such a wonderful charisma and life energy.

Zerah (1:1 Growth Session)

 The energy that Elena radiates creates a safe space where everything can be shared. 
Just as worries and thoughts can be addressed at any time, small and large successes are also celebrated together. Everything is allowed to be there. 
Although none of us knew each other at the beginning, the solidarity and trust within our small group was immediately noticeable. I am incredibly grateful to be able to know these wonderful people.

Being part of Moon Babes was magical from the start.

Sabrina (Moon Babes)



Apply now

  • 60 minute coaching session 
  • 2 weeks of voice/text message support via Voxer 
  • Tools to maintain the growth you made during the session

1:1 Growth Session

There's a topic that's been on your mind that you just cannot seem to figure out. You are unsure what your next steps are.

What you need is someone to streamline your thoughts to navigate your life with more ease. 
So that you are no longer afraid to make the wrong decision. 

It's time to trust yourself again!  

This in-depth session is supposed to get deep. Like real deep. So that at the end you leave with an action plan and a stead-fast determination.

Together we create clarity in your life around what decisions to make next on your path, build up your confidence to start believing in your dreams, get you unstuck and help you step into your most authentic self.

These calls are wildly impactful and designed to create immediate action and empower you to take the leap. If you want extra accountability or support I'd highly suggest adding an extra session!

The Details



  • Two 30-minute power calls via the phone
  • One month of text/ voice message support
  • Frequent check-ins to build your self-accountability

Powercall Bundle

You are a busy bee and want results like yesterday. At the same time you struggle to keep yourself motivated to follow your dreams and goals.

Not anymore, because with the Powercall bundle you just got yourself a built-in bestie to keep you accountable!  

Longterm commitments stress you out, because you want immediate and short-term support. No problem!

Receive coaching support in form of text and voice messages whenever you need it. We can talk through the big and small decisions, get you hyped up for that important call and brainstorm solutions to reach your goals in the most flexible approach, so that you can slay your day. 

The Details


1:1 Coaching

You are tired of living a life that doesn't feel like yours. You know there has to be more out there for, you just have no clue how to get there. You are exhausted from trying to take a leap of faith, but lack the confidence of going for what you desire. You may even think "who am I to get that chance to live my dream life?". 

I've been there and did the work, so you don't have to stay there! This here is where we are changing the narrative that has been running your life for too long!

Together we're going deep into your current beliefs and mindset, we discover what is holding you back, which habits are keeping you from creating a life you are obsessed with and quite frankly show your inner critic who runs the show. 

You no longer have to wonder what if, because we will built unshakable confidence in the person YOU are destined to be. No more playing small - this is where YOU change your life! 

i want in!

  • 6-month coaching journey
  • 12 x 60 minute coaching sessions
  • 3x Powercalls (30-minute phone calls)
  • Voice/text message support via Voxer 
  • 1x Meditation and Breathwork Session (30 mins.) 
  • Money Mindset Masterclass Recording 

The Details



magic with



• Next round: JULY 2024
• 3 month group program
• 2 online circles per month
  • bi-weekly, Sundays at 6pm            
• WhatsApp Community
           - with all current and previous Moon Babes

Women coming together to share their stories and celebrate their uniqueness is something that is deeply healing in itself.

Combine that with the energy and spiritual flow of the moon phases and you've got Moon Babes Women's Circles!

A community of women from all walks of life who come together to be listened to, taken seriously, laugh together, share what's on their heart and minds, all with one goal: to feel like they are not alone!

Together we share, journal, meditate, draw cards, celebrate each others wins, lean on each other when life gets rocky and get clear on the power we have in us. 

Get ready to immerse yourself in a community where you have the ultimate permission to be 100% you. We want to meet YOU, see YOU, support YOU. 



pay what you can

I swear by a unique approach - you are one in a million and should be treated that way

My energy speaks for me - I will hype you up, but equally hold you accountable and challenge you

Your growth is my #1 priority - when you work with me, it's 100% about YOU 

I deeply believe that transformation can start with a single session

You're one step away from becoming your most confident and aligned self 

the inner space effect

hi darling, I'm elena.

because taking a shot at your dream reality and investing in yourself is always the right decision.

Here's my story:

In 2020 I felt completely stuck. 
I was working in the fashion industry, in a job that wasn't fulfilling me, working 24/7 and barely scraped by burnout multiple times. I was miserable.
And I had no idea how to get out of it.

That is, until I met my coach.
I love telling this story because it was literally fate at play.
In October 2020, I received a connection request from her via LinkedIn and didn't think much of it then. 

I didn't delete it (thank god!), but kind of ignored it then. That weekend I visited a friend in Amsterdam and she told me about her coach and how much she had helped her get feeling more settled and happy in her life. It sounded amazing!

After that I signed with my first coach and in the next six months I decided to quit my job, moved up the date of my resignation from May 2021 to the first week of January 2021, launched my first journaling workshops, started creating valuable content online, started writing my book, completely switched up my mindset, got my finances in check, and discovered that I want to become a coach myself. 

I joined a coach training program with CTEDU, started working with practice clients and took on my first paying clients. 

And on 21st December 2021 I officially launched Inner Space Coaching.

and now I am here:
Actively creating my dream life.
Embracing the highs and the lows.
Trusting my intuition to the fullest and embracing being utterly delusional.

I want to bring what I gained from coaching to others as well.


I heal a little more every day and therefore understand you and what this process brings with it. 

In our coaching I ask you one thing: that you don't judge yourself, because I won't either. Inner Space is a space where we dream big, where nothing is off limit. 

When you work with me you can bet your ass that you're going to get into motion. With me as your coach you have your certified hype-girl on your side. You're talking down on yourself? Nah-ah! Not going to happen. We're talking ourselves up and into action! 

My gift as a healer is that I can give you the space to be open and vulnerable, while equipping you with the tools to help you address your challenges. 

I am still on my own healing journey.

No nonsense and no judgement.

Guaranteed hype up.

My tool is that I give people the open INNER SPACE to talk and cater to what they need.

Inner Space breeds confidence, strength (bother internally and externally), strengthening your inner knowing, and get you grounded and centered in who you are in your boundaries.



I want you to be proud of who you are. I want you to scream it out into the world. No more playing small or dimming your light.
You deserve everything that comes to you, you deserve to be celebrated and feel incredibly good in your inner space.

Are you ready to trust yourself fully, be fully supported with love, empathy and a whole lot of hyping up? 

Are YOU ready to be ONE in a million?
Let’s figure it out together!

all services




1:1 Coaching

1:1 Growth Session

Powercall Bundle


Moon Babes Circles

Mind Over Money Masterclass

my story